Agreed.. Once more and more details trickled down about this, my desire to have one has grown. Seems like it will be a fun driver's car.
Agreed.. Once more and more details trickled down about this, my desire to have one has grown. Seems like it will be a fun driver's car.
I really miss SCC..I was pretty butt-hurt they went down. No other magazine really quenched that car guy thirst like they did.
Whats wrong with auto wipers? Thats the one thing I'll disagree with here. I don't like to have my wipers going when its drizzling, it's distracting. I like that my car kicks them on and off as needed.
I'm not getting excited until they start making moves. This is Jersey and if the right ppl are getting their cut, it ain't gonna happen. Not being negative, because I really want this, but this talk has happened before.
GT: mr irresistable
I operated one of these for years in the military as an M1 mechanic. It was awesome, more feared than the tanks, it was a great vehicle. I'll always miss it, be it tearing down trees in one 30mph hit, flattening a car, or taking down small buildings. Good times.
whats a riced dildo look like?
Fuck it just throw it all in, and use cold water..
I would vote for any of the specials. The Polar and Africa special being my top two. Well done, and whether you like cars or not, you have to respect what they're doing.
Anyone have a bit of back story on these guys, that would qualify them?
Agreed, comes in handy in NJ, as long as it's not the deuchy lanesplitting.
There's a torrent up as well, of the whole shabang. It never DVR'd for me, I was pretty disappointed especially after hearing what a great race it was.
Nice shape-up before going to jail.. By the look of those eyes what the cops didn't find was a trash bag of weed, he just finished smoking.
I think that might be the hardest part, which explains the need to strap it down.
Really goes to show you that a bike will stay up as long as that back wheel is going.
Nope, just a lurker I guess. I check this site everyday and have been for years.
Awesome, you beat me to it. Such an evil looking car..
Also I'd say the HPA R32, because I own one. It's nothing crazy new, but it's fast 3.2s 0-60 500HP, and the best part it looks fairly clean and stock, aside from some stickers and wheels.
Good choice, not a "tuner" car though correct? This was all TVR...