
The rot goes very very deep. One of the things the Manafort/Cohen trials have pointed out is that their crimes aren’t notable at all. The US is full of corrupt-as-fuck fixers and con men, siphoning billions out of the US economy, and the government largely lets it slide. This isn’t even a recent phenomenon: even

Stop, just stop.  It wasn’t that deep.  Just stop.

While I’m not trying to argue, because we can both be right, it’s just funny how the same major crime these assclowns are being pinched for is tax fraud.

Actually I don’t think they culled the bottom IQ barrel. I think the people they picked simply don’t care and are lazy. They know if they are caught, cheesewiz will pardon them, and their republican colleagues will ignore their crimes, and basically everyone will look the other way, so there is no incentive to at

Ah, yes. The Code of Federal Regulations calls it “Misuse of Position.”

That’s why she’s trying to so hard.

Was anyone implying that?

Oh my god, so I’m getting to the part of where she wants everyone to stop speculating about the leaker...’cause it’s making everyone in the administration look bad! L-O-fuckin’-L.

Sarah Sanders is the hell-spawned love child of Bud Light and diabetes. She better get out before her ass is indicted by Mueller for something. But, bless her heart, she’s gonna Eva Braun this thing, reality be damned.

Misuse of position and official oppression are core GOP values.

Man, look how many jobs that “Vacant” guy has!  

That stupid wench has the nerve to call out a business for being complicit? This is the most complicit administration in the history of government. TF?

*Go forth and #bebest.

Stand by your stable genius man. Give him two lines of deniability to cling to.

Are we supposed to be sad that the Iraq War-pushing Opinions Desk is getting a bad day at work?

Sraah’s ride or die until the paycheck stops and 45's making her work hard for the money.  

Good point about the list. 

She has to ride or die, who the fuck else is ever gonna give this one-eyed crackhead a ride?