

I thought Duma Key was one of the better endings for a King novel. It wasn't as seemingly rushed.


The reason i bought my first HooDoo Gurus album was because they thanked Zythron the Insistent in the liner notes.

The one with him behind the camera is the US version. I remember there was was a rumored third version (Sweden?) but i never saw it.

Buckingham Nicks. I was 13. Only reason i needed.

Really like "Never Aim to Please" on that album, too. Yes. I said album.

He wrote the theme to Oswald, as well, i believe. Another show i enjoyed with my kids mostly for the music. Although, singing "I Love Being A Princess" from the Backyardigans did cause a few strange looks from my wife.

I don't want yet another remake,but, i wonder what Falling Down would have looked like with Cranston playing the lead rather than Douglas.

I think the Tower makes everybody sound good. Still one of my favorite venues from my youth. You reminded me of seeing Catherine Wheel and Buffalo Tom open for Live in Hershey a loooong time ago. That was also the case of the not looking forward to the headliner and being somewhat pleasantly surprised.

I feel your pain. I want to see Elvis anytime he tours. But it isn't going to be a cheap night. I was lucky enough to live in DC in the late 80s. The Femmes did an impromptu set on the Mall. I skipped going back to the office for the rest of the afternoon.

I remember two cases of this for me. First was during the Police's Synchronicity tour. I went to see it for two of the openers. R.E.M. and Madness. Stuck around for Joan Jett but were on the highway beating the traffic when the Police arrived by helicopter for the show.

I'm glad there are a lot of people who appreciate (or are just discovering) their music and talent, not only on stage but in the studio. And all four could write. Some of my favorite songs are Brian May songs. '39, Long Away to name a couple. Also pushing the envelope in the studio with overdubbing. Listen to

Mary Ann was Thurston's mistress. Lovey was going to have an "accident" and fall overboard.

Only drawback is the pain. the dude gets the crap beaten out of him all of the time.

Indy shoots first

I want to say Juror #8, because he's a stand up dude. But that would be an awkward name to deal with. So I am going with Martin Blank because, well, Minnie Driver.
EDIT: Honorable mention to Mal Reynolds beacuse, well, Inara. and also Senator John Blutarsky.

I first heard it as a Cindi Lauper cover. What i loved about that was that she didn't change the lyrics. "I know that you're goin' with another guy". It made me discover the original and the album it was on so i owe Cindi one for that.

I hope the woman's name is Geoff.

I tried to read The Bone Clocks but was forcing myself and not enjoying it. Not sure why it didn't connect. The second story turned me off and i think it just didn't recapture me.