
Where is Life of Brian?!?

I wished they used military ranks so he could be Private Idaho.

I need to watch the finished version of this. When I was in college, we got to see a free advance screening. I remember lots of shots with the boom mic visible and other such things that would disappear in editing, but there were so many it made it hard to truly watch the movie. I remember liking it, but I should

Wild theory time: Is William: A) Serac’s brother? B) Arnold? C) a copy of Delores with the key (since everyone would think D-Prime has it?

i wasn’t clear in my guess above, I think it awakes to feed then hibernates for years, like Pennywise. It may need to feed multiple times, at 27 day intervals.

Good questions. Not trying to defend everything, but this is how I rationalized some of it.

Oxonian sounds like aliens from the planet of cheap kitchen gadgets.

I read Mr. Mercedes and The Outsider, and I wanted to dislike the re-imagined Holly before I saw her on screen. It didn’t take long to make me like this one as well. I wonder how much of her backstory and childhood will be explained. Is it necessary?

I got the feeling the script for this episode was a little short and they had to stretch. Two songs and the start of a storyline that would work best next week. Or next week had too much and they had to offload a bit early.

1. This episode made me feel like I was watching a Sam Shepard play, specifically, a play like True West. The way power moved between characters.

Maybe this will be the Star Wars universe version of Trading Places. They made a clone and Palpatine’s force ghost bet Obi Wan’s force ghost a buck that if they dropped a jedi clone somewhere they’d go dark side.

I have forever heard him as Wednesday in Neil Gaiman’s American Gods.

I enjoyed Still of the Night with Streep and Roy Scheider. The plot isn’t great now since it has been done so many times. I enjoyed seeing both actors in the same movie, I guess.

I wasn’t into 90210, either. But, Jeremiah was a quality show. And you’re correct, it did let you see the actor apart from the heartthrob. I think it’s on Amazon streaming. I’m going to rewatch that.

In the words of Bill Hicks, “He should have been a blow job.”

I couldn’t enjoy Happy Christmas because as you stated about the levels, I spent the whole time straining to hear Sean singing. I was hoping he would have the lead for a line or two so they’d have to turn it the hell up.

Enchanted was the first time I saw Amy Adams on screen. The next was in The Fighter. Made me appreciate her range.

My biggest problem with the movie is when they dance the King’s Waltz and the song is in 4/4 time. 

My first day of training as a waiter, I had to do Russian service and dropped asparagus into a woman’s purse. I was mortified. She was one of the coolest customers I ever had. Was not upset, refused to let anyone pay to have her purse cleaned. I was amazed I wasn’t fired. 

SMG as the Watcher?