
Is Molly Taft being paid by the Democratic Socialists for this propaganda?

The sub head is misleading. It’s not carbon-free steel. By definition, steel contains carbon. Carbon is what distinguishes steel from iron. You were right in the text of the article when you wrote “... make steel without carbon emissions.” But the sub head is misleading.


This guy, while he was in the U.S. Navy, lied on offical documents by saying a certain someone was 6'3" and 239 pounds.

What strain of weed are you smoking?

I think Emo was pointing out how poorly this article was written.

Dispite what the future congresswoman says, Spectrum Health is not an insurance group, it’s a hospital.

You lost me when you said Millvale was 20 minutes away. Have you been there? Millvale is 4 miles from downtown Pittsburgh. It’s right across the river from Pittsburgh’s Lawrenceville neighborhood. When you said 20 minutes, did you mean a slow walk? Messing up a minor detail like this puts the entire piece in