You’re a dick to people with run-on sentences. Think about that.
You’re a dick to people with run-on sentences. Think about that.
If the professor says, “Take your feet down,” you take your feet down. The professor shouldn’t have called the police; she should have just kicked the student out of the class or told her she wouldn’t be allowed to take the exam if she didn’t stop acting like an asshole.
“Matt, Jeff and I would borrow one of our parents’ cars, drive out to our favorite comic shop, then go to Jeff’s room and read comics until we had to go home. Stacks of X-Men, Captain America and Spider-Man comics would be spread out all over the floor.
He has a genius-level I.Q.
Drew may not care, but his carbonara recipe was bullshit. Follow Chef John’s authentic and superior version, instead:
“The initial half of the flashback, Deborah Ann Woll’s strong performance throughout, and the final, cold conversation between Karen and her dad are strong enough that the episode isn’t a total disaster....”
Don’t cry. Give a shit about how you communicate to people.
It was a clever way to give him a reason not to kill a main character.
Alex Maleev. His run with Bendis is my favorite Daredevil run. If you like the show, that’s better! You should check it out.
Remember Squamate, folks: prejudice severely clouds judgement. Also, I love how he keeps watching all these shows and movies he hates. You know you’re going to die someday, right Squamate? Get another hobby.
I think maybe Fiona was triggered by the situation depicted and completely missed why and how it was depicted, because, yeah, she seems rather emotional about her complete misinterpretation.
You may want to re-watch the episode to see how wrong that is.
Republicans: the true authority on who are The Real Victims Here.
Well, you’re right about one thing: the educational system has failed you, miserably. The run-on sentences are really embarrassing.
“I can handle that in one story, but a whole anthology of it might drive me to drink.”
“And Kim’s supportive demeanor cracks just slightly. She’s thinking: should I be alarmed?”
How the fuck didn’t this get an “A+?” FUCK YOU!
I haven’t read this review, I haven’t seen the show beyond the cold opening; but that flashback with Chuck was so fucking great I would have a hell of time explaining the profundity of it to someone who’d never watched the show before.
If a server speaks to you in a way that makes you lose confidence in their abilities, leave. If anyone asks why you’re leaving, tell them. That’s pretty much all you can do, really. You can’t teach the server how to talk to people he’s serving, and if you call over the manager, you’re just going to look like a snobby s…
Wow. All these comments are really clever.