

Everyone knows that bigfoot got D.B. Cooper.

It’s not a legitimate concern.

Verbs are capitalized in titles.  Maybe look those rules up for the first time and learn them in the two seconds it takes.

Sounds like you’d love prison.  Try committing a few felonies, then it’s a life-long sausage party, kid!

He didn’t read it, and he’s not some centrist.  He’s just using half-assed “whataboutism” to excuse his guy, which, along with hatred of liberals, is all they have left to hang on to at this point.

I learned about Gus Fring, and how he thinks. And that he apparently speaks German, which is a clue about his past.  I also learned that Mike doesn’t like it when you puke in the van.

If I may pedant, “pedant” isn’t a fucking verb and stop trying to make that happen.

What’s his fate, then.

You’ll never know, though you’re convinced that you do.

The reason people don’t want to have that conversation with you is because they know not to argue with insane people. Not even his date accused him of rape, but you know better than she, apparently.

He said

He probably didn’t talk about sexual assault because no one accused him of sexual assault. Someone accused him of making her feel uncomfortable during a date.

The best thing about assholes in when you call them out on it they think you’re the asshole for pointing out that they’re assholes.

Did I read it wrong, or was Gus on his way to visit Gale before he got the nod to find a local supplier? He’s five steps ahead of the Salamancas.

The reason this show is boring for you is because you’re missing multiple layers of subtlety and meaning. I highly recommend something more your speed, like American Dad or something.  It’s like reciting Dickenson to a four year old.

200 people had one job?  What were they, galley slaves?

I’ll soon be celebrating my 12th anniversary of never having watched this show. That’s a long time.  It feels like an accomplishment.

“(The image of ‘ACADEMY AWARD WINNER KEVIN SPACEY’ holding court at a crystal-and-mahogany table is a bit much, IMO.)“

Why do you write like this?  Seriously - I want to know what’s wrong with your brain.  Feel free to tell say what it is.  It’s okay if you randomly capitalize words, or separate synonyms with a forward-slash for some fucking reason.