This is a thing that particular kinds of assholes do. Someone makes a joke, and then they say that there’s nothing funny about the subject-matter of the joke.
This is a thing that particular kinds of assholes do. Someone makes a joke, and then they say that there’s nothing funny about the subject-matter of the joke.
Has your mother died of sucking dick yet? If not, I hope your father catches her dying of too much dick and kills himself while she dies of sucking dick.
Geoff Johns is so fucking bad at writing. I love that he’s been demoted to this. Fuck him.
Maybe it’s just me, but most of the time I have no idea what the fuck this writer is writing about.
Your jokes would probably be better received if they were funny, or even identifiable as jokes.
I finally have closure on what happened to that comic book he announced years ago, Twist, and never actually produced. He turned it into a TV show.
Oh - and if it’s one or the other, you’re still an idiot.
“...the climactic ending....”
Your punctuation is from another planet, or something. Look into it.
“Seriously though, it’s hard to conceive of any legit reason for Walt or Jesse to appear on BCS.”
Unless there was a sign above the buffet that read, “This is poisonous: do not eat,” the food made an old lady sick and it’s the restaurant’s fault and you’re kind-of an asshole for saying otherwise.
The only person who said “I was drunk, not racist!” was you. If you have to put words in people’s mouths to make them look bad, you’re kind-of a cunt.
You’ve never read Camus.
Fans of the MCU Spider-Man should root for these weird Sony spin-offs to do well, so they won’t regret giving up and letting Marvel do the character properly. I mean, I’m not going to actually put on pants, go to the theater, buy a ticket and watch this shitshow, but I’ll be rooting that you will. From my house.
Nothing you wrote there proves or disproves anything more than a sigh and an eye-roll from a snotty teenager would. Also: I know what public relations are.
“Liberal with facts.” That means he gives a lot of them. Looks like you’ve been misusing that word all along!
“Liberal with facts.” That means he gives a lot of them. Looks like you’ve been misusing that word all along!
“The scene with Lewis trying to free the birds who didn’t want to leave their cage was a bit much.”
The actors who are left are the ones who were carrying the show the whole time. John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf are there, and you’re worried about the loss of the least appealing character on the show. They’ll replace her with Ted McGinley and it’ll run for years.
He’s been a talented Hollywood character actor for decades. Also, from what we’ve been hearing, an asshole to people who couldn’t fire him for decades.