
If Peter King was an NFL GM, I bet they'd go undefeated bcuz he'd draft all golden retrievers and they play ruff and they can catch and they r loyal so team chemistry would be good and all that peanut butter lickin in the clubhouse would be good.

Jermaine O'Neal is so old that when he was drafted the Macarena was a hit, Mt. Dew cost a dollar, and the only way to see glorious pro athlete cock was to accidentally walk in to my aunt Tanya's room after a Reds roadtrip.

Hold on—what up with those cows?

I've been a fan guy my entire life as well. I remember it being a source of anxiety when I went to college, but my roomate was cool with it and soon converted as well. I remember pleading with my parents not to put it away for the fall when I was young, and my grandfather even tried to set up some sort of payment plan


"Pfffffff..." - Scott Ruffalo

I hate both of you.

Just getting to this now, but awesome, awesome stuff Sean. I thought EA blew it, too. This changed my mind. Well done.

Huge fan of evaluating fandom

u nail'd it bruh

Not being territorial, but eat a Belon if you get the opportunity. Worth the five-bucks-a-pop.

One time I made a joke, ha ha, that, ha, that my dad was cooking with Guinness, because he, heyoo, dropped his beer on the floor and started lapping it up off the floor and hey I'm Irish but hey, ha ha, what's that got to do with anything?


Also this:

Hahahahah. cool bro. your joke sucks not so much for being insensitive, but for being unoriginal as hell. see yourself out.

God. The Troops are just the worst. It's too bad you skipped college, ergo OCS, and now you're essentially on an internet message board sounding like a sad, angry redneck.

I miss u :/

What goes on in DU!AN these days? jw

did u ever go to that place where they have all the computers that you must