Huge Gay Buns

Someday we'll hopefully get another Department of Eagles album. The Cold Nose is one of the great unsung albums of the 2000s. Grizzly Bear will always be the less interesting side project to me

I thought season two was compelling but uneven. This season is unbelievably good in comparison to the first two, as good as anything that has ever been on television. I thought this episode was the weakest so far this season, and it was still excellent. I'm excited for the next three episodes, but sad it's going to

I never cared for Pavement/Stephen Malkmus until Mirror Traffic, which Beck produced. Similarly with Charlotte Gainsbourg's IRM [I actually just wikipied that album and learned Beck is credited as writer and producer of most of the tracks, so I feel less sexist than I used to].

Beat 'Em and Eat ' Em… sigh

Both good choices. Pho An Sandy next to Ohana is the best Vietnamese in the city too

There Will Be Blood is hilarious. I saw it (and all of PT Anderson's movies up to Inherent Vice, including Boogie Nights once with my dad and once with my mom) in the theater. I was mesmerized for the entire duration, then gobsmacked when the final scene cut to the credits. It's one of the greatest endings in movie

The Elected's three albums are all mostly great, certainly better than post-Execution Rilo Kiley and anything Jenny Lewis did afterward. The first album has a lot of the confessional feel of early RK, the second is mostly sumptuous pop country/folk with a few duds, and the last record was a stripped-down affair with

I remember trying so hard to get through Equinox. I kept making my mom rent it from the store but I just couldn't get my brain to understand how the 3/4-view tiles were laid out so it was punishingly hard. There's something captivating about the world, the art, and the music, though.

I played a fair amount of Wild 9 back in the day. It was made by the creators of Earthworm Jim, had music by Tommy Tallarico, and had an interesting 2.5D platform puzzle design with the gimmick of a tractor beam that you used to torture and mutilate enemies. It didn't quite gel as a full and fun experience, but it