The Creator

Later that day... UPDATE: Morning News; Four killed in a natural gas explosion in an all electric apartment in San Francisco.

UPDATE: Peter was rushed to the hospital after being found unconscious in his box following a late dinner of bean burritos and Hot Pockets®.

I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.

Yep. There’s a verse in the New Testament that reads in part: “There is none righteous—no, not one,” and it used to really discourage me. If there’s not one righteous person on the face of the planet what’s the point of going on, or even trying?

Almost. The closer analogy is not that they are opening and shutting a door, rather they are actually building THE door. Even if they were to then tear it down and wall it back up, someone will have the plans of where that door was.

This is why we shouldn’t make law when the lawmakers don’t understand what they are talking about, or its against their religion.

I’m no expert at all, but wasn’t this the point of having two instruments separated by 3500 miles? If they both detect the same wave with the same strength, it can’t be something environmental. Even the most massive earthquake imaginable would be felt very differently in southern Louisiana and rural Washington state.

My favorite app for this is drunk Steve who’ll do anything for a beer, even drive drunk.

I loved teaching high schoolers so much you guys but so much of my energy was devoted to dealing with crazy parents and appeasing the uber-PTA crowd. When you’re that involved in your kids’ school life, you are taking teachers’ attention away from creative lesson planning and timely grading. Moreover, it’s not like

Three minutes at the butcher counter to get a Boston Butt.

It’s about time some undercover progressives get these vile, theocratic unprincipled con artists on tape - then re-editing to suggest that they totally *support* Planned Parenthood and abortion.

Basically demonstrating just how *malleable* “created perspective” in video really is.

i feel like there is a serious divide of values between the people who inhabit texas and the people we vote to speak for us on a national/state/local level.

Actually, no. I'm well aware of my flaws and own up to them. That doesn't mean I should let others off the hook for being bullies.

I’m seriously going to have to come up with a better name if i want to have a mount or at least a ravine named after me.

This outrage would make a bigger (and better) impact if, instead of making the broad complaint that black actors weren’t nominated, the arguments were made for individual actors who were beaten out by mediocre white actors.

I thought I had fucks left, but I was wrong. They read this and all headed out for a drink or a dozen.

He may have been, but my comment was about the general belief. “We can’t cast a minority, it will kill international sales” is a genuine statement of fact as far as a lot of industry people are concerned, and something many hide behind.

They need more people for cannon fodder and inmates in for-profit prisons.

In defense of Microsoft: If multiple devices goes down, it probably the actual source of the connection and not the devices. No way do they all just fail at the same time.