I just wrote the same thing. This is the most poorly thought-out bigotry in the history of poorly thought-out bigotry, which is to say ALL bigotry.
“Well, MOM, maybe you should have thought about that before naming me FuckingFiona”
I was doing job in part of Ohio with coworker from Peru. Both of us have very thick accents. This is very depressed part of Ohio and we just leave a struggling steel mill to get food.
I knew I would get this reaction to citing the facts.
Nor would it have the electronic warfare systems that, while not much talked about, are really the revolutionary capability that the F-35 will bring. Nor will it have the internal weapons bay that truly provides stealth during the first days of combat, when the objective is first to take down an enemy integrated…
“You think you’re going to have anxiety now? You haven’t even seen anxiety.”
The sick irony is that she is “praying for the victims and families.” No thanks with those goddamn prayers. It’s religion that made a human garbage pile out of the shooter to begin with. His POS dad spent his entire fathering years telling his gay son that gay people have the deepest fire pit in hell to spend eternity…
NICE! I do have a slight nitpicky qualm though, as someone with a degree in geology: there’s no such thing as black granite. It’s probably gabbro. (I’m sure the store didn’t actually tell you that though because they never do).
Take a nap John. Then repay your clients.
I’ve been listening to Bonnie since I was literally in the womb. My Mom had all of her stuff on vinyl (if you don’t have her really early stuff from the early 70s, you NEED it in your life). I went to see her in concert by myself in 1993. It was outdoors, and it rained. Imagine listening to some of her sadder songs…
One of my favorite interviews - she’s the real deal. Not that anyone will see this.
I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.
Yep. There’s a verse in the New Testament that reads in part: “There is none righteous—no, not one,” and it used to really discourage me. If there’s not one righteous person on the face of the planet what’s the point of going on, or even trying?
I loved teaching high schoolers so much you guys but so much of my energy was devoted to dealing with crazy parents and appeasing the uber-PTA crowd. When you’re that involved in your kids’ school life, you are taking teachers’ attention away from creative lesson planning and timely grading. Moreover, it’s not like…
Three minutes at the butcher counter to get a Boston Butt.
It’s about time some undercover progressives get these vile, theocratic unprincipled con artists on tape - then re-editing to suggest that they totally *support* Planned Parenthood and abortion.
Basically demonstrating just how *malleable* “created perspective” in video really is.
i feel like there is a serious divide of values between the people who inhabit texas and the people we vote to speak for us on a national/state/local level.