The Creator

I’m more offended by this portion of her BS (from elsewhere) ““I think parents have to make choices for their family and their children,” she told the news site. She added that it was “hard to make a blanket statement” about immunizations, drawing a distinction between vaccinating for measles (“makes a lot of sense”)

I can agree that it’s childish, but the old-world idea of professionalism needs to take a nap cause professionalism was never even professional. These kinds of stunts have always been in play, mocking opposing regimes when they got their balls cut off, but they didn’t have Twitter back then so the puns couldn’t go

Eh, he’s just playing to Congress like they’re children who need things played out for them. Which they are.

Firstly, science never “proves” anything. It’s literally not possible. Nothing in the entire history of scientific inquiry has been proven. Secondly, yes we can see evolutionary change. We see it all the time, that’s what genotypic change is which has been observed countless times. Also, we have indeed reproduced it

“Why are criminals so dumb.” The smart ones work for Goldman Sachs.

I’d just assume anything I upload online is being snooped. Anywhere. I usually don’t assume privacy when it comes to online content. from 1983

No government is great. The only way for our world to become a better place is for society to collapse and the survivors start over, but this time build society on a foundation of science and truth, not what we have today which seems to be religion and greed. All religion is based on myths, lies, and the ability to

The utter bullshit of this story is just astounding. This story is the story that needs to be focused on we can’t let this go please we need justice!

Come on. They hit her head to the sidewalk and it gave her an aneurism. She died in her cell and they covered it up - badly. If the DA does not do an autopsy we all need to march, seriously.

To a German, there is a fine line between “dumbest piece of engineering” and “pure mad scientist genius”.

Enjoy your CCP monitored phone

Because a hoax which involved going into orbit would have been much harder to pull off.

I thougt i saw 80% of $ went to their programs? How is that controversial?

Cheap land. Building is huge(in footprint as well) and meant to be a city by itself. Including hospitals and schools. 5000 residential properties to accommodate 17,400 residents, and hotels to accommodate 1000 more. Its supposed to be very energy efficient and the air inside is going to be filtered super clean. Plans

Also the T-Mobile usage is av ery particular case since the two companies operate in the same market, lawyers could come up with a slightly convincing argument that use of the (pretty distinct) color was an attempt to approrpiate the “trade dress” of the brand and cause confusion.

True. Why do so many people run when they know they've got no real shot at a nomination? This makes we wonder if there's some campaign finance/fund raising/greed motivating some of these so-called candidates.

I’m sure that all helped, but they also locked in a very favorable long term fuel contract at just the right time. Their culture and unionization may have contributed, but they also made some very prudent business decisions.

I don’t believe that unionization was causal, though. I believe that Southwest simply had better fuel contracts in place, so they weren’t as abruptly affected by spiking fuel prices. Something similar with Ford, whose debt posture was simply better than GM’s and Chrysler’s during the 2008 financial collapse.