The Creator

My buddy Jake, a Jack Russel, was adopted when he was eight. He wanted nothing to do with any other dog. He loved my boys but would have nothing to do with any four legged visitors. We tried the dog park but he just stayed by our side. He loved walks without a leash in the middle of the night. He loved to catch

I have to give you a pass on this one. I think it’s useful information that i didn’t know. Nerd on my friend.

I went the Home Depot route with my new counter tops. I wish i would have read this last year. I’m not disappointed. The contractor they used was really good. They even took some of the left overs and cut and sanded them to fit our window seat in the kitchen dining. They also let us go out to the lot and pick our

She gets life without parole.

Like alcalde pointed out, she was well within her rights to have her place cleaned top to bottom at no extra price every month. But paying $500.00 per month it was costing them more to maintain her than she was paying. That was part of the deal, but so is eating the entire buffet. What are your thoughts about the

You seem to be trolling and not really serious. But let’s assume you are sharing an honest statement. If you had the ultimate say, what would you do? Would you like to prohibit vaccines all together. That would mean you would be responsible for death by disease for millions upon millions. Or would you just choose to

I really don’t have enough information about this restaurant or their tipping policies to comment accurately on who got screwed. I think the ones who would have the most appropriate comment would be a server from this place. Having read most of the comments, i can say that this is the first time that i have seen so

Has American Girl addressed the reason their doll has straightened her hair? When i think of the Civil Rights Movement the slogan “Black is Beautiful” stands out. Black women started embracing their beauty, getting away from white, European standards of what was considered beautiful. Natural black curly hair was

Hmm, good point Vangoghs Ear, making fun of birth defects, mental illness, body shaming, maybe we should step back an think about it. I originally saw this as conflict with Hitler as he promoted the Aryan race as perfect and then we find out he had this birth defect. It must have been such a mental conflict. But now,

Agreed Vangoghs ear. Making fun of defects, mental illness, stuff like that, oh my god, such shame. Maybe I should change my name, I feel such shame now. Thanks for pointing this out to everyone.

Being attournies, they probably defer most of their income to a trust and the houses they live in most likely aren’t in their names. These pieces of shit will spend their last dollar trying to keep it.

Beat me to it, including Apu. (deleted my comment)

India is part of South Asia. He was just trying to speak like someone from India. I imagine it was similar to Apu from the Simpsons.

Hey Ted, where you going with that gun in your hand?

I think he’s meant to identify the bar, the Dixie Chicken. That a bar is in Collage Station that’s known for serving shitty Lone Star beer. Okay, just re-read the comment that he mentioned it’s out of town. Not failiar with the cafe, just the bar.

“Most Aggies though, they’re dumb as dirt.”

Okay, never watched Mad Men or Community (or much of anything else, I do have a TV, just don’t turn it on much). After all of these responses I will rectify that. Thank you all.


“...God literally spoke to him and asked for his celibacy as some kind of personal favor.”

“Personal debt”?? No one uses their own money to finance high dollar adventures. The fact that he couldn’t (our wouldn’t) get investors is failure before the project ever took off. Something has change. I really thought he used to have his shit together. If he’s not on drugs that are affecting his judgement, he is in