
100% agree. Once Murphy feels his oats it’s all downhill from there. He’s like that guy who can’t decide what style he likes best so he buys a mansion and does each room in a different look.

Actually, I’m gonna do my ranking of the seasons, because I seem to be one of the only commenters here who watched them all, all the way through? Not that I’m bragging about that...

It works 100% of the time, 33% of the time.

Meanwhile, in an un-air conditioned loft in Bath, England, the members of Naked Eyes read your post and wonder why they were so fortunate to have such good eye sight whilst so many of their colleagues do not.

I think if Third Eye Blind combined with Eagle-Eye Cherry, they’d fix that third eye problem right up.

Wow very rude to Sporty, who legitimately has the best voice of any of them.

Maybe they’re both fans of soup?

Not a Hoosier but I spent 6 years in exile in Martinsville in the late 90's. Coming from Seattle, so total culture shock.

I was born and raised in Bloomington. Every time our high school basketball team played theirs, there was a fight. Because our team had black players on it.

I love all of this

My sister worked in Martinsville briefly as part of a field service for her degree which was required. She had a longterm BF at the time who happened to be black. She basically was told by her supervisor NOT to tell the other workers for fear they would lose it.

My godfather and godmother live in B-Town (they returned

All celeb shit is weird, but meeting the parents after like 2 weeks of dating is super weird! The more these staged candid moments happen the more I are confused.

As a native speaker, I have to disagree. No matter the phrasing, he is clearly stating “I’m the absolute worst”.

Ok friends: The Cash Cab Story

Two songs? TWO songs? How about two CDs of MAGIC. How about every song was a MASTERPIECE. A sexual revolutionary AWAKENING. Girl Power, Brah, The Susan B Anthony’s of their TIME. How about THAT.

Your name is A+++++++.

omg... dying over the Alero... HA

He’s playing Roland in the Dark Tower series. I know actors can do more than one thing at a time, but that’s eight books, by Stephen King no less. He’s Roland for the next 457 years.

My Bond preferences: