
I’ve been waffling over Scream, but you sound like me so I’m gonna do it.

Overanalyzing television is why we’re all here on the internet together. Shouting into the abyss.

I agree, but I feel hopeful that this was purposeful, and they’re setting up the stereotypes to demolish them one by one, so don’t betray me, Unreal...I like you too much.

Would buy.

A Bechdel-Test Passing Ocean’s 11 remake starring ONLY Tatiana Maslany as every character creamed my freaking JEANS.


I just stood and clapped at my desk and I don’t care who saw it.

“Timely, succinct, and sounds like something from Star Wars.”

I’d like to talk more about this Troublegum and also clarify which Narnia books he is in?

I feel this way too (probably because I’m also Midwestern?). I guess I never thought of them as some rich program, but what do I know, I’m a big 10 kid living in a pac 12 world. The south is confusing to me.

The LOST method!

you magnificent bastard

Oh, news from the front! Are they getting appropriate amounts of shit? How so? All of you GDI’s at UO should gather up a bunch of garbage and dump it in the lawn of their frat.

We really missed an opportunity here.

Our principal’s name was Mr. Hoover and every year someone spray-painted Nothing Sucks Like A Hoover at the four way stop in front of the building because some jokes are just timeless. I believe that in my younger sisters year (or around her year) they posted an all night guard on the four way stop the night before

Shoutout to Garbage for their amazing and criminally under-appreciated Bond theme song, second best Bond theme song sung by a Shirley!!!!

I wore a hideous/majestic classically 2000s 10 Things I Hate About You inspired two-piece turquoise prom dress to my prom. You know, with the satiny top and the weird taffeta skirt bottom thing. I felt awkward and ugly and uncomfortable in it and secretly hated myself wearing it.

ok guy, whatever you say.

Dude, not at all what I said.

Not only did I reply to the wrong post, but the post from that original reply I misread and it was the OP’s boyfriend’s DAD not the actual boyfriend.