
Remember FONDLY!

Wanting people to dress like they’re in public is significantly different than your original post.

1. I don’t care that much about what people wear. Jesus, I wrote a vaguely thought out post and had a conversation about it on Jezebel, I didn’t nail my theses to the doors of O’Hare.

Sorry, I should be clear when I say “business casual” I mean modern tech company“business casual” according to my workplace. Which includes jeans. Nice jeans. With a nice shirt.


Hear you, hear you.

The same reason why people don’t wear shorts and a tank top to work**. It is universally accepted as not appropriate.

Because we are all stuffed in it together and I have to look at and interact with them, and I find people dressing like they are going to climb into their OWN bed in their OWN house when in actuality they are in a tiny chair sitting next to me ridiculous.

No, I’m a lady too. I think you just womansplained me, though!?

I should have went at it from this angle, with more evangelizing my position and less judginess.

I think that the assumption that you (general you) must achieve the same level of comfort you have in your own living room in order to comfortably fly 3-5 hours is ridiculous.

Totally hear you, I know this is a slightly unrealistic expectation to some people and see the “elitist douche” optics of the complaint. I guess I just think that the “I must convert this 3-5 hour experience to match my personal comfort that I can achieve in my own home” has reached an untenable level.

I guess it’s more of a personal comfort level thing as well?

It bothers me because it feels like an extension of a general disregard for ourselves and others who have to interact with us beyond just “looking nice”. Basic decency (not in appearance, but in behavior) has completely imploded the second any form of long distance travel is involved. People screaming and threatening

Can you sit in a restaurant w/ your back to the room or do you need to have full line of sight like a secret agent/han solo?


But he’s just sitting next to me quietly and I mean, my big old screen of my laptop is right there (this was before tablet or small mobile device ubiquity)

Yes! Just a little smile and then he just kept watching.

It isn’t even the Pan Am era standards I’m trying to revive, it’s just that air travel is literally the worst, so why make it EVEN WORSE by filling that plane with pajamas and ugg boots?????

This should be a part of the safety announcement.