
Yes! Just a little smile and then he just kept watching.

It isn’t even the Pan Am era standards I’m trying to revive, it’s just that air travel is literally the worst, so why make it EVEN WORSE by filling that plane with pajamas and ugg boots?????

This should be a part of the safety announcement.

All the rules change if you are crossing a major body of water.

I was watching Battlestar Galactica on a long flight and I noticed the guy next to me couldn’t stop watching.

Can we have an open and honest discussion about plane-travel attire?

“A Clinton/Sanders ticket would be a great thing.”

Niall is always baby tho.

If you’re going to map the Spice Girls/1D comparison you’ll have to create 3 groupings 1) post-group career trajectory, 2) style/vibe IN group 3) actual talent.

+1 Fear Is The Mind Killer


I approve of your Reasons For Leaving The House (period groceries. liquor store stockup trip.)

In my supermarket they slapped a sign above the Lean Cuisines that says “Meals For One” and the tone just feels really judgey.

It means “She Who Shines Bright Like The Eternal Sun” in Aramaic probably.

Rest assured! I have been ignoring the demands of old, dumb, white men (my superiors! lolz) my entire career!

HEY! I’m in...

As someone in PR, I would LOVE to meet the person running the Bratz PR. I hope it’s an old white man who is almost always confused.

This is a famous person? Are we sure this isn’t a photo of someone I didn’t want to serve a tray of Vegas bombs to while I was a college bartender?

I love stories like this. I’d like to see a roll up of every single Jez comment story about some horrible interaction with a celebrity.

Yes. I associate this show as getting in the way of the shows I’m trying to watch by shoving Gael Garcia Bernal in my face.