
Hoppy Easter indeed.

If the gateway theory has any merit (and I think it may), the gateway drug in America is alcohol, and that’s only true because of the ridiculous regulation we still have, which is a leading cause of binge drinking.

Flake and Gowdy are retiring and have nothing to lose in saying anything and nobody except TV hosts takes Lindsay Graham seriously. Until a big, well-known Republican (especially Ryan or McConnell) issues a declarative statement and one with teeth, you should assume that if Trump gets rid of Mueller, they will do

I remember when the evangelicals found their president in GWB.

I mean, sure; you’re certainly welcome to try and rework what she said to fit your thesis of the adult showrunners somehow being “the boys with their crushes” preying on the girls. That’s not what she said when she was actually talking about her literal immature young costars, but go off.

Okay, but here’s the facts: Shit like that gets changed on-set a lot if someone decides it suits the material (as, it can be argued and I would agree, Max and Lucas kissing did). On films and sometimes on TV. It’s not uncommon at all. Failing some kind of horrific Last Tango in Paris situation it’s almost never part

Warning to adults everywhere. These kids are really smart and really good at the social media, stop screwing with them.

Why ‘fuck this guy’?

What’s super fun is when one of your BFFs is getting married that same day about thirty minutes away and you didn’t book a hotel room five months ago when you got the save the date because why should you book a hotel room that early ha ha ha ha sob.

I dunno. Not to be a killjoy - It’s terrific seeing people speak truth and stand up to these soulless minions of Mammon. But the fact is, they are soulless minions. They can’t be shamed because they are in their positions for the very reason that they rose to the top of the dung heap through total lack of shame

I don’t get the pink pussy hat controversy. I think about it too though & try to understand it.

I did research on workplace sexual harassment in law school. I’m hardly an expert, but a lot of my research showed that a reason some victims do not come forward is that they do not actually want to ruin their harasser’s life and get him fired. For some victims, they want a more restorative approach (counselling,

This week’s episode is live from Lake Creepbegone, where women are finally left in peace and the lying grabby host is banished to the wilderness.

Uhhh...she’s a double-amputee from her service in Iraq. Pretty sure popping out kids is easy-peasy for her. If you’re saying she didn’t care about mommy problems before she became one, does anyone?

This was a bad date. She had a horrible date with a clueless guy who thought he was being sexy and hot. She was made to feel uncomfortable, and it wasn’t right.

I’ve never understood why having a shitty childhood should give anyone a pass on being a shitty adult.

This Bannon thing made me remember some decent memes.

A frustrating point that I have come across is the argument that evangelicals are currently taking. They feel the need to outbreed the opposition so that their viewpoint becomes the dominant one. I feel that it is more than just the economy he is talking about, but the Christian values that are somehow being lost by

As one of the pussies, I’m just fine with a party that’s welcoming to us for a change. Both parties have been throwing women to the wolves for decades. What do you think happens to staffers who resign and interns whose biggest learning experience is that the statehouse isn’t a safe place for them?

What really sucks about this is it isn’t just a flagrant slap at Native people who consider the land sacred. It isn’t just a slap at the numerous locals who treasure Bears Ears and don’t want extractive, intensive industry. Both of whom Zinke ignored. It also undoes years of work that went into the designation that