
No it’s not. Have you read the book? It’s literally called “Catch & Kill” and it’s about the practice of ensuring stories about harassment (involving those in power) are never told in a public format. You want the specifics of the horrors that those amazingly brave women went through? Read the article in the New

Well, women are taught that a man is a necessity that they must earn, and men are taught that women are an entitlement they deserve.  Seriously, when I have you heard “you’ll never get a wife/woman that way” the way you hear “you’ll never get a man/husband that way?”

Possibly because in 2019 I want a presidental candidate who understands exactly why it’s not ok to sniff a woman’s hair. That’s a really, really low bar to clear. Why would I vote for him when I can vote for Senator Warren, who paid attention the day in Kindergarten when they told her to keep her hands to herself?

To be fair, that’s not what he said. He said that’s how he felt about it while writing them because he had no other way to conceptualize their relationship. He’s going to have to put his spin on them- it’s his job, he’s writing for these characters. How he conceptualizes them in his head is not the same as applying

We chatted about it, and I must have been impressive because he kissed me.”

Their entire “love story” is a textbook case of grooming. If her claims of abuse by Mia are true, far from discrediting the idea that he groomed Soon-Yi, it would have made her a more likely target. Abusers will often pose as “saviors” to get troubled children to trust them. He’s scum.

Avenatti asked Carlson why he didn’t refer to Trump as a “creepy porn president” when Trump was the one screwing a porn star without a condom while his wife had just given birth.

This doesn’t surprise me. Cycles of abuse are self-perpetuating. I’m surprised more people aren’t pointing out how distressingly similar the details of this assault are to her allegation against Weinstein: the grooming and isolating of the victim, providing alcohol before attacking etc. It’s infuriating to think

We had a long talk about how fat wasn’t something you are, but rather just something that everyone has. Some people have more and some people have less. And I tried to talk to her about how she is strong and athletic and how her body does exactly what it’s supposed to.

“I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies,” Moretz wrote.”

To be fair, though... all of the Disciples were total shitbags. That’s kind of the actual message of the gospels, if you pay attention and think about it.


Certainly looks like it. No need to speculate about why Trump chose him, this opinion sums it up in a nutshell:

Anyone who thought trump would pick a justice for any other reason than to protect himself from the Mueller investigation was delusional.

Finally, Kavanaugh wrote an extensive law review article in 2009 that could have implications for the special counsel investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. In that article, he said that after seeing firsthand the many difficult duties that a president encounters, he thinks, in retrospect,

It shouldn’t have been possible to do it with Merrick Garland, either, but the hapless nitwits running the Democratic Party are so afraid of a fight and were so stupidly confident that Clinton would win that they didn’t bother raising hell about the gross violation of standard procedure.

We need to stop being the

A lot of my guy friends told me I was crazy on election night because through my sobs I was saying “they’re going to take away our healthcare, they’re going to take away Roe, they’re going to take away gay marriage.” This shit is real, this shit has consequences.

If I died in my sleep tonight I do not think I would care, and I do not think anyone else really would either.

Come on! This is such a needlessly snarky article. Fallon may be an anodyne fella, but he’s insanely talented and it’s disingenuous to pretend otherwise. Also, if you think that our world isn’t in need of a little lightheartedness and gentleness then I don’t know what to tell you. Please don’t be negative just to be

I don’t see any reason why they can’t continue being artists. Now, whether they’re popular artists or not is up to the audience.