
Yes, i've seen them all and I know the difference. I just put Rambo thinking that most people wouldn't realize the distinction.

Running a desktop at home and a hacked Nook Tablet for typical outdoors use.

Solid? That sounds unhealthy.

I'm still running an AMD Phenom II Black 6x and it seems to hold up fine with everything, including BF3 and Metro 2033 maxed out on my 680.

Someone watched a few too many Rambo movies.

I nearly had a heart attack when I read that headline.

Lucky SOB, our AP chem class (I was in AP Chem and Bio at the same time) just messed around with Magnesium once and the rest of the time it was simple hydrogen collection and things of that sort.

Sorry, the Stealth Eagle is occupying my attention right now.

Doubt any high school round here would let us do this, all they would see is "LAWSUIT LAWSUIT LAWSUIT LAWSUIT".

You know how EA payed all those people to go around and spread good press about TOR and games like that on forums and places like /v/?

Pic very related.

Sure seems like it deserved all the hype around it.

I find it funny when someone posts an Iphone based photo on an imageboard and immediately OP's details and location are posted.

True, the hills around my lakehouse are filled with confederate flag flying and dirt-bike track front yard hicks.

Does the southern US just breed insanity? I never see or hear of BS like this up here in Yankee-land.

Someone promote this man, he's contributed quite a bit!

If you look at a google maps of the area they seemed to have been aligned with the runway at the naval air base. Its around ~1 away, guess they were trying to nurse it into a unpowered landing but lost too much altitude.

After seeing "The War of the Worlds" as a kid I was racked by recurring dreams where I would be fleeing through areas of my childhood while chased by the monstrous Tripods. I'd hide under my friends deck only to have it ripped away, the tripods roaring in triumph as I flee to the next piece of cover.