That sort of thing would push Hangry Me over the edge...
Seriously, love, the “pox on both their houses” fence-straddling third-way bullshit is more played out than anything on the “sides.” Just admit what you are, and that that is something you’re ashamed of so you take some bullshit contrarian stance to everything.
Why not? I love books. If they want to protest that way, it's cool. They're not being loud or disruptive.
i don’t think i’m ever going to stop staring at taylor’s face in this gif
Woah, hey, backup. I am all for adoption, but it’s not the right choice for everyone, and deriding people for having the resources to and wanting to try for a biological child has absolutely no place here. It is not the responsibility of the infertile to adopt all the unwanted kids in America.
Here is the entire message sent from the professor trying to DO HIS JOB. I guess before long there will be no professors or administrators on campus.
yeah,i have o.c.d. but i find things like this funny.
Aaaannddd we’re done here. Make sure the last one out shuts the lights off.
Real talk: NZ has a serious problem with rape and sexual assault. It’s deeply entrenched and I have no clue on what to do about it because it can’t even be spoken about without being silenced, like the women mentioned here.
Being from Chicago, I can tell you the clothes were wrong, the styling was wrong. Chicago girl do not dress that way. The slang, oh my fucking god, the slang was all fucking wrong. The dialect was wrong; so were the accents— were they from the West Side or the South Side.
H&M stands for “hates mistletoe.”
I guess we see this differently. I don’t think they are treating people with OCD as a joke. They are making fun of how obsessive people can be over Christmas. However, I respect that you have strong feelings about this and I certainly don’t begrudge you being ticked off about it.
SO TRUE! The language and the fucking clothes and hair are so inaccurate. WHERE ARE THE TIMBS AND DREADS?! It just makes it feel lazy and inauthentic and then comes these problems with the content like the song and I’m just like NOPE.
This well intentioned post would have been great to read a few comments prior. You have defended their transphobia and their racism. You keep defending them by using terms like “acting out of ignorance”. This defense comes even after multiple people have pointed out that these women did everything asked of them. Who…
I understand your desire to stand up for people and places that you know. But I think you’re wrong on this one. First, it says they photocopied her ID. So she did give it to them, and according to you, would not have been able to check in if she hadn’t. The fact that she may have been reluctant initially, as a trans…
Just stop, please. I’m embarrassed for you now.
At the end of the day, they were singled out because they were trans and, in the xenophobic mind, trans women = sex workers.
The staff called the police and reported them as “men dressed like women” engaged in soliciting, but in the end, there was no evidence of…
“She said that the hotel staff were suspicious of her and her friend from the moment they arrived, casting “disgusted” glances their way and whispering about them as if they weren’t there.”