Don’t feed the trolls.
Don’t feed the trolls.
Don’t feed the trolls.
He has NONE, don’t feed the trolls.
This guy is so fake.
The human mind has little interest in creating more categories where only two satisfied needs for so long.
I’d be a shoe.
This guy is so fake.
This guy is so fake.
See? I knew you were a fake-ass “activist”.
I’m regretting my lack of cable now.
Your distress. Your problem. Your need to personalize what this person called zirself into something you think is an insult and slur that, obviously, has hurt you at some time or, that you imagine hurts someone just by being uttered in any context.
Nah. No. Not really.
No insult intended to anyone but I always hated the hats of this period. I always thought they look ridiculous, overly feminine in a cloying way, and just silly to wear. I remember seeing films and TV shows at the time and just hating these things.
I’ve been watching this particular fool for awhile. He and another, named Locomotive Jones over on Gawker, are doing a pretty good job of gulling commenters and even editors with their bullshit.
“Kick it”