The fact that you had to write this speaks volumes about your readership
The fact that you had to write this speaks volumes about your readership
You don’t know what that means.
He really isn’t
Don’t be a little bitch about it, Qin is right and you’re wrong. Accept it and write better.
Then tell that to the developing world
Because how dare they want to have fun
You’re an idiot and you deserve a slap
How considerate of you to leave out the concept of a short squeeze. You’re a dumb motherfucker and I hope you drown in a cesspool
Clearly Erin wants to do a piece on Jeffs but because she’s been deemed wanting by the legacy outlets, she’s stuck trying to make clickbait on a third rate blog
You’re an idiot
Mercury as a badge for imported euro fords
It’s crappy and overpriced, but you’re probably too dumb/lazy to make your own biscuits
If you’re in the city, why the fuck are you here?
it’s very correct and you deserve cancer
you’re an idiot
When will you stop murdering each other?
What do you think goes into the piles of electronics that go into an EV?
You have no idea of what you’re talking about
You’re an idiot
Then you’re nothing but filth