
This has to be the quintessential bench racer post

You’re an idiot

Do you hate Cuomo and Newsom too? 

That’s nice sweetie

Research doesn’t mean regurgitating what heard from bloggers

I’ll take “shit that never happened for $500". Seriously, why are you lying? Is it to make you feel better that you gave up your life because some fancy rando’s from CNN told you to? 

Blame Fauci

Maybe the editors are off

But right-to-work laws forced NASCAR to let the man participate”

It was superior in all ways

That’s fucking horrible

Another day, another excuse for Raph to punch down on the poor. 

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

No it doesn’t

He just said it.

Simping is not about respect, it’s an insult to describe someone who is blatantly pretending to be respectful in order to manipulate women.

If you’re just putting on a facade in order to get nudes or a dm, does that really count as respect? 

Let’s break this down: you have no social skills, no life and consume media from an outlet that is the laughing stock of the industry.

So says the rich kid

Stop bringing reason into this, you’re not writing for the Atlantic!