
Whatever you say

Then keep struggling and you might actually learn something

That’s fucking retarded and deep down, you know it.

As said by someone who’s privileged lifestyle insulates them from the poor

No, that will only embolden them and make them more aggressive in the next election. But why should I be surprised if an idiot like you believes that such a stupid plan would work?

So it sucks but because of your politics you have to like it.

Bring back dueling

Do you really expect these people to have any serious understanding of economics?

Can I get you some ice?

Fuck China and fuck people like you who make Anderson worth defending

So she raised a question over a rushed vaccine that was made with an entirely new design and twitterati had a shitfit. Way to back up women

Thank God, maybe we’ll get an actual electric racing series

Wrong, but the reality is that Formula E was always a fake race 

“Look at the beautiful liveries that are wasted on the worst racing series in living memory”

1st gear, Oh look, Ralph forgot his privilege again.

It’s because most disabled people would prefer not to be in a wheelchair

The reveal at the end sort of makes everything both better and worse, somehow. Why is all this so appealing to me? Is it my Eastern European DNA influencing me? What’s wrong with me?”

You’re not just an idiot, you’re a fucking idiot

Because they can distribute the vaccine in house and make sure that their workers arent dying in droves. 

You’re an idiot