You'll stay home. Who are you kidding??
You'll stay home. Who are you kidding??
I will most likely vote for Clinton, but all I can think of is the scene in Animal Farm where Napoleon kills Snowball and then presents Snowball’s plans as his own
Why is the whole brexit thing being split across party lines in America with liberals going remain and republicans going leave? It seems like most people have no idea what any of this actually means or what the EU actually is. I’m a liberal, and I fully support the UK regaining control over their own country.
awful timing. Muslim just murdered 50, another tried to murder more in texas and you are waxing poetic about a bullshit religion that throws gays from roofs and subjugates women at this exact very moment.
I assumed leaving the EU was a financial decision.
If this goes through it won’t keep anybody safer, none of the mass shooters we’ve seen in the news were on the watchlist, this legislation wouldn’t have stopped the legal purchase of the weapons used at Pulse or at Sandy Hook.
It’s about time
You are so right it is sad. Incredibly sad that we have allowed ourselves as a nation to be reduced hiding in fear of everything and ourselves. That is what drives this kabuki security.
Abolish it. If you don’t feel safe, take a train.
Interesting debate - is Kabuki security better or worse than Noh security?
True, but that’s not at all the same thing. There is verifiable proof that seatbelts save lives. The TSA, by regularly failing audits/tests, proves that the system doesn’t work in its current form. Either the TSA is useless, or terrorism by plane just isn’t common. Either way, it seems the current security situation…
this is neither good nor security
We didn’t have it for the majority of the history of U.S. commercial air travel.
And vindictive cunts who love violating civil liberties under the guise of safety. I was molested by the TSA and I was refused representation and/or a witness because I had the gall to tell them my bra wouldn’t pass a metal detector screening.
Pain in the arse stick controls - CHECK!
This looked so promising before I realized it was a David Cage game. :|
Yeah Freelee. Raw Till 4 is what I call your DAD.
Yo dawg, we heard you like carbs so we put some carbs in the carb...
It’s not about women for a lot of people. Everyone who I speak to doesn’t give a shit about the fact that the new ghostbusters are women. They just think 2 things. This was not a movie that needed rebooting or remaking and 2 it looks like SHIT. If 4 male actors did the same thing I would still think it was a bad idea.
WTF is wrong with you?