M Hudson

No not really.

Adam, what makes this a drone? Does it have GPS? No.. Does it fly autonomously? No... I understand the fact that you’re stupid, and perhaps unaware of anything, but I’m really curious why you think this RC Toy is a drone. Perhaps its merely because you’re a lazy pseudo journalist using the latest buzz word without

Mental illness may not automatically equal violence, but it’s a strong selector for it - particularly when an individual has a history of violence.

We sadly aren’t even the only country with widespread white male privilege and national political figures who spew out hateful rhetoric that encourages and incites violence against women.

You have a greater chance of being killed driving your car to work on Monday than ever even encountering another human being with a weapon, let alone a gun, being pointed at you. You also have a greater chance of that cheeseburger you bought from McDonald’s clogging your arteries and taking you out with a heart

Geez. Sounds like a bunch of people who like to start fights are starting fights with ghosts at this point.

Have we reached a point where all cultural sharing is off limits? That seems so... stagnant.

Goes vice versa. You don’t get to read black and white text and think you know what it’s like being a man.

As someone who went through engineering school. I call bullshit.

Thank you for this well written and insightful dialog. I went into this thinking, keep an open mind, and low and behold, the author took me to the place that was “oh boy”.

As someone who recently finished a one month rotation at a teaching hospital for OB, I have to strongly disagree with many of the author’s assertions. I think the assumption that most physicians practice in the manner in which the author describes are inaccurate and I question what evidence the author had in making

That’s just stupid talk. Unions are a good thing and have done great things for the American worker AND American Businesses.

What does, this movie? I really don’t care. But good to know you wish ill on strangers. Makes you seem so much more cultured than the other guys wishing ill on strangers. For the record I’m neither pro or anti. I don’t take videogames that seriously. I just think anti-GGers are significantly worse about covering their

Im neutral here, but your attitude and some of the other people here defending these “poor” women online, just goes to show you are the other side of the same coin.

I dunno. I don’t like the sounds of this personally.

Regardless of what sparked Gamergate, the collective group is now an amorphous blob that houses good and bad (much like any online group without strict requirements for membership.)

I could absolutely care less about Zoe or any person’s personal life insofar as

Thank god we can get more one sided bullshit out of this. As if Kotaku, Polygon, and all the rest only talking to these supposed victims but never once to a GGer weren’t bad enough.

I hope it is released in theaters nationally. The empty theaters will hammer home the fact that nobody outside of The Internet gives a shit about “Gamergate”.