No, because sex appeal and sexuality are bad, mmmmkay.
Morrigan is a succubus. She is SUPPOSED to be sexy.
That inane pink mist of absurdity should be fogging up this comment tree right now. Take my advice and don't read any of them. Ranges from completely unrelated discussion of actual child abuse to idiotic unrelated "since its not a murder simulator, THATs why its unpopular!" white knighting. This game is perverted.…
The real question is who and what kind of people defend these people on online comment sections? No subjective or biased responses please.
I'd rather play some violence filled trash over some creepy game designed for otakus with characters designed to look underage any day.
I hate to find myself on the same side as a lot of MRA idiots that have been flaming you in the comments section. I was just annoyed by the snark at the end of the article. Like it or not, they appear to have been falsely accused in this case. I'm not saying nothing happened to that girl, but there's no evidence to…
I'm detecting some sour grapes in this whine...
I am kind of amazed people are still playing this. It really reminds me of Borderlands, but without any of the charm that games has, and everyone just runs around looking like a sea of master chiefs. I don't get why the grind is OK here but not OK with all the other MMOs. If I were to bunch this in with all the other…
Gone Home doesn't make me uncomfortable it bores me. It's a half asse'd take on a very interesting topic that deserves a far better game than what Gone Home is.
Uncomfortable because it's an overrated game who's only redeeming factor is that she's gay?
Are we really tired of GamerGate, Stephen? Or is this more biased activist journalism trying to brainwash us into being tired of it? Hey. I'm just asking questions! What? I thought this was America! Do you SJW PC Game-Hating Super Facists have something against questions and America?
Did they have a problem with her being a woman? Or did they have a problem with her being intimate with people reporting on her from a position of power?
That's a little bit over-simplified. The original harassment of Quinn was because she slept with game journalists while promoting her game, which #GG saw as a breach of ethics on both parts. It later spread out into game journalism ethics in general, but it's not as if the whole thing was some random flash mob…
GG was created specifically to push back against the harassment third-wave feminists, and other worthless societal noncontributors, were waging on gamers, aided and abetted by pretend journalists. Since such pablum is indefensible, it's no surprise that they don't like being criticized and ridiculed.
Her website. She takes donations and even has a few monthly subscription options. Any time she "gets threatened" she promptly asks for donations and advertises the subscription option.
Well, when you attack the press and the press control the press all the news you see will be about how the people attacking the press are the scum of the earth.
Has Gamer Gate every explicitly condoned threats against female developers and journalists/critics?