M Hudson

You’re trash

But it’s about promoting social equality!

Wow you’re dumb

Short version: An extremely bad series of localizations led to increased scrutiny of the team responsible, which led to the discovery of a very unintelligent woman who turned out to be a walking PR disaster. In the end Nintendo doesn’t want to deal with either side and got rid of her to be safe.

I could see myself paying 8k for a perfectly clean AMC, but never above that

Weren’t you calling for the Bundy militia to get hit by a drone?

I’m cautiously optimistic, after the last few shitshows this seems to be both engaging and dare I say

She knows better than to piss off the sjws

Be honest Luke you didn’t really watch the video did you?

Sure thing bootlick

Isn’t this supposed to be a feminist site?

She wanted to push her agenda via censorship and she paid the price

Considering the Lincoln hate on this site, I wouldn’t be surprised

Towards the end, he was so done with Matt

Could Matt have been any less professional?

You’re right, we don’t need a Mach 6 jet, what we need are the materials and engineering innovations that are created FROM this project. Don’t be stupid

Actually you’re touching on a new trend where administrators in the public sector are drawing disproportionately large salaries, earning 150 to 200% more than the people directly underneath them

This has happened throughout the nyc area

This isn’t a matter of the free market run amok this is a case of when a community refuses to pay their fair share of taxes and are confused about why their services are drying up

Sort of but I could’ve sworn that Gibson wanted cyberpunk stories to occur in the dirty corners of otherwise prosperous times