Nah you’re just a bad parent
Nah you’re just a bad parent
The police probably hurt more people then he did
The president is following his party’s narrative
BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT Wrong! His mental health history would disqualify him
Innocent until guilty
Mental illness does not equal violence? Perhaps, but ignoring it, along with gang warfare does encourage violence.
Wow, gawker just sunk to a new low
I’d buy one
BZZZZZZT Sorry lib, wrong...again. Your politics hinge on the demarcation and reinforcement of racial identity politics in order secure reliable voting blocks.
More women really need to get into math, because clearly your staff can’t handle it
BZZZZZZT Sorry but you’re wrong, they believed in Romans>everyone else. But the designation of “Roman” was a cultural one and when you can have a black emperor without anyone batting an eye, then you can say that our concept of race, the one you liberals like to pretend is set in stone, is an artificial construct
They didn’t have a concept of race
Why do you feed them?
no, libs just like to blame them
You don’t know how schools work do you lib?
No, not until the kids who got suspended for biting a poptart into the shape of a gun, passed a love letter and hugged another kid get paid.
99% is coming for you plutocrat
We’re on the cusp of war, get a life
Thanks for proving a stereotype
Stay classy