Anna, have you apologized yet
Anna, have you apologized yet
I love how this is all the gun lobby’s fault instead of racial and economic inequality. I imagine the latter two upset the current Democrat narrative.
So you get offended over this, but not ISIS? You’re all disgusting
They actually do have a massive charity endowment, but you sjw’s tend to ignore that
The CEO made a donation to a marriage defense lobby, with his own money. Maybe you need a new target
It’s more of a copycat loop, when a gruesome act is heavily publicized, it only increases the chance that someone (in a state of partial insanity) will attempt to gain the same notoriety by repeating it
If you can’t find a guy to denigrate, then its not a good day
And you wonder why Gawker is a joke even when compared to the NYpost
Yeah these store owners deserve to pay
OMG everyone who has a different opinion is a filthy troll!!!!
Or just ace the tests that Asians and Hispanics always whup you on and leave out the rest of that regurgitated black panther crap that Soros is feeding you
wow, you hens need to close your legs, since you;re just raising the next generation of frat boys anyway
Because we can’t have those nasty trolls running around
I love it when libs try to claim that this isn’t an attempt to stuff ballot boxes with illegal immigrant votes
Jezebel, where we respect all women, except the ones who have different political affiliation then us
Or you could just be a race baiter
Double Standards, the article
You realize that game preserves charge huge amounts of money so that they can protect and save the endangered animals?
Have you heard that Lena Dunham has no talent?