M Hudson

Yeah because she totally didn’t lie

Yep, you’re officially an idiot

Lift weights, don’t rely on men to do your work for you

Choo Choo All aboard the victim train!!

It’s CA why is any aspect of this story surprising?

You mean he guest starred in the episode?

HAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHA SJW bullies bullying other bullies? Oh do go on!

Oprah needs to hang out in another neighborhood

cool story bro, so where else do you publish your stories?

Wow, that’s an utter lie


Not in the slightest my slimy friend! For you see, the citing of a meta analysis report only proves that you were unable to directly refute John’s argument, thus rendering your own, moot through the use of tenuous sources and poor debate methodology. BTW I apologize for not inducing your monthly meltdown in March, but

Wow, you’re filth

So you want girls to wear a symbol of oppression... to fight oppression? Liberals

Not to sound paranoid, but it sounds more like digital would mean that independent broadcasters would have a more difficult time getting on the air.

When are you guys going to stop shilling for the SJW’s?

So did you apologize yet?

Because they were

In the drive to address this very real problem, you guys stuck to outdated facts, exaggerated them and then forgot that there’s such a thing as false accusations. People’s lives have been damaged, a culture of fear has settled over campuses across the country and I’ve yet to hear anyone hear anyone say “If you've been

You mean to tell me that privileged college kids have split an otherwise worthy movement? I’m shocked!