Fair enough
Fair enough
NY is dominated by democrats, take your bipartisan rhetoric somewhere else
When you get preggers you demand special treatment but get mad when people behave differently towards you, ignoring the fact that people are by nature, inclined to treat such women differently. This is almost as bad as the adult privilege checklist
Now tumblr is attacking technology, you all disgust me
Spook has a point, the protagonist couldn't have fallen more neatly into the hipster stereotype
I agree, to each there own, but clearly this situation is the exception, not the rule
What complex thought? You clearly haven't displayed any
"Final Fantasy vibe" is a piss poor selling point, let's face it, Square is asleep at the wheel, they can't manage their dev cycles effectively anymore and their creativity is being stifled to the point where their style can be distilled into a "FF vibe". I'll save my money for drugs and gunpla
You're not a person though, you're a walking stereotype of an angry feminist.
I dunno, Seinfeld and Leno approach cars in a far more positive and thoughtful way then Clarkson does (which is what makes him so funny) I mean Clarkson will destroy a 2CV but the former two will appreciate it.
shut it sjw
Not really, just ran a script, if you took any other classes besides womens studies, you might learn something other then justifying your hatred of everything outside of feminism
Did you now? Your history paints you as a social justice idiot, who has no life outside of whining about the fact that people have humor. You really disgust me.
Did you now? Your history paints you as a social justice idiot, who has no life outside of whining about the fact that people have humor. You disgust me.
Did you now? Your history paints you as a social justice idiot, who has no life outside of whining about the fact that people have humor. You really disgust me.
Did you now? Your history paints you as a social justice idiot, who has no life outside of whining about the fact that people have humor. You disgust me.
Did you now? Your history paints you as a social justice idiot, who has no life outside of whining about the fact that people have humor. You disgust me.
Did you now? Your history paints you as a social justice idiot, who has no life outside of whining about the fact that people have humor. You disgust me.
Did you now? Your history paints you as a social justice idiot, who has no life outside of whining about the fact that people have humor. You disgust me.
Did you now? Your history paints you as a social justice idiot, who has no life outside of whining about the fact that people have humor. You disgust me.