M Hudson

That attitude right there, that's why I called you out, all arguments you have been presented with are valid and yet all you can do is either try to change the subject or ignore it completely.

There's only one troll in this thread and that's you Kevin, as you obviously came here to start a fight and have no intention of seriously listening to anyone with a different opinion than your own.

You're one to talk

Once again you've missed the point, homemade weapons have been manufactured without the aid of a 3d printer and require knowledge of how glue works . Also you need to stop squirming under pressure, you're beginning to look like a politician

Don't get defensive, it weakens your argument and as I have stated before, effective improvised firearms have existed well before 3d printers, rendering this moral panic over printed weapons as baseless. As for the suicide issue, why would someone waste a day waiting for their suicide weapon to be finished? If

You realize that criminals can and will fashion weapons out of materials found at a hardware store? Furthermore, please don't change the subject, this was a matter of classicism, not of one's ability to commit suicide

You realize that the great majority of gun deaths in this country occur in urban areas?

I'm suggesting the fact that the urban poor cannot obtain weapons through legal channels due to the restrictive fee's taxes and regulations imposed upon them, forcing them to either rely on a highly unreliable police force or to further encourage the growth of an already substantial black market. Chicago and DC stand

Great post! But I doubt he'l bother to follow through on your suggestion or seriously consider your opinion.

You're casting pearls before swine, Mr.Estes will likely ignore any serious question

Because whiskey isn't mentioned in our constitution. You know for a "educated" writer, you're pretty ignorant on a lot of subjects

How can the urban poor protect themselves?

That happens now, look up a luty gun. Once you do, ask yourself, "How can we regulate mills and powerdrills?"

And yet with gun sales booming, gun crime is falling. Kinda pokes a hole in your argument doesn't it?

I could make a more effective weapon with two pieces of pipe and a nail, so really 3d printed guns are not as big an issue as the loss of manufacturing jobs caused by these machines

Stay mad SJW's stay mad

Real classy, keep playing the race card!

Just thought I'd do the same and I have to ask, do you ever get out, or is just too cold up there?

Just thought I'd do the same and I have to ask, do you ever get out, or is just too cold up there?

Just thought I'd do the same and I have to ask, do you ever get out, or is just too cold up there?