M Hudson


Or maybe they could include the part where the colonies governed themselves while their rulers began series of brutal civil wars? Or when they had a war foisted on them because of politics conducted overseas?

Yet another reason to keep AdBlock on

That you're an idiot for white knighting, that'd be a nice start.

That doesn't even apply, you should probably take an English course

Still a better game then Gone Home

Seriously, it's like you're trying to say "joke's on you! I was just pretending to be an idiot!"

No because you fail at trolling

You realize that he's just a parody of Anita right?

Jason you're an idiot

So are we still talking about the rule 63 Jack Thompson?

I put on AdBlock for a reason Leo

You're clearly too dumb understand the subject

A story isn't good just because it involves gay characters and frankly, if you're going to charge $20 for a 2 hour game, you should make it more interesting and interactive. The walking sim moniker is apt, no matter how much fake support the sjw's foist on it

I think you're being too kind, WOW has essentially acted as a grinder for Warcraft lore, rarely adding but instead consuming characters and settings.

So this writer is an even bigger hack then previously thought?

I know you're trying to be funny, but you just ended up making an effective case against kotaku. Good job

Correction: You're tired of Gamergate, you're tired of losing respect and ad revenue while trying to browbeat a public that considered you a joke even before all this got out. Give up

Sorry, but you're too dumb to understand
