Luhnow’s just afraid that if he fingers the responsible individuals, he’ll spark a cival war in his front office and then the umpires will have to get involved.
I feel like there is more to this family.
A good time to remember that Colin Kaepernick gave up his job and all the considerable perks that come with it to stand up against injustice, while LeBron James, whose legacy and bank account are both more secure, is unwilling to risk even a small fraction of future earnings to speak on one of the few world issues…
Daryl Morey, notedly averse to information
I understand the players are caught between a rock and a hard place. But this has to be one of the most craven capitulations to money I have ever seen by a major athlete. Should have kept quiet. His rationale is bullshit.
This is just fucking gross. Thats really all I can say about it.
Maybe he should have disguised it as a United States Treasury bond.
I think Bosa’s attitude had less to do with old college grudges than with the well known fact he just hates the browns.
I would like to point out that as a result of this article, I hate Jerry Jones less than any of the analytics guys cited. At least Jones, for all his grossness, understands loyalty and sacrifice and the human connections that come from the game or from any other human activity that requires struggle and sacrifice.…
This entire discourse has reeked of “everybody involved desperately needs to Log Off For Like Two Days” and truly, that’s what we should do.
Hangar One and St. George?