Boycotting someone's movies > Being better cops
Boycotting someone's movies > Being better cops
GamerGate: It's actually about misogyny in gamer culture.
Can't really blame her. She went from well-booked matches to standing around and doing nothing during six-woman tag matches. The extent of Sasha's in-ring TV action in the last few weeks, from what I can remember, is taking a forearm to the face on the ring apron and selling like death on the outside.
True. And, you know, a "Cas-tag-no-li *clap clap clapclapclap*" chant would kind of work well.
While Sasha Banks hasn't lost on camera, she hasn't really distinguished herself as the talent she is either. Save for no on-camera losses, Sasha Banks is kind of in the same situation as Becky Lynch right now: Lots of talent not being showcased.
So next week, we're getting another six-woman tag match featuring Team Bella, right?
Imagine how much rougher it would be if he still went by Claudio Castagnoli
Bloodborne is the first game I've played by the Souls team, and something about it just hooked me from the start. It's like Castlevania II/Zelda II as done by HP Lovecraft. You learn to play the game as you go along, which I found really refreshing (it takes a few hours of dying-as-trial-and-error before you get the…
Vg'f yvxr Anfgl Onol jnagf gb unir vg obgu jnlf, ohg vg whfg qbrfa'g jbex fvapr, yvxr lbh fnvq, gur svyz frrzf gb or nyy nobhg gur nccebiny bs gur guerr znva punenpgref, rfcrpvnyyl jvgu gur vzntrf gur zbivr fubjf qhevat gur perqvgf. V fbeg bs srry gur neg tnyyrel bjare'f nffrffzrag gung Serqql'f neg cebwrpg vf fghcvq…
Yeah, I caught this earlier in the year and thought it was okay, but then the stuff at the end happened and it devolved into a total shitshow of dreck
You could even say that Superman Returns was basically a pseudo-remake of the Richard Donner Superman movie.
I loved him in City Lights and Modern Times.
"Shame about Raiders of the Lost Ark. Those other guys put up one hell of a fight to take back a Judeo-Christian artifact that would have helped their righteous cause." — Bill Kristol
Proving once again that Bill Kristol is always wrong
George Lucas and Rick McCallum will throw a bunch of paper airplanes back and forth across the screen to make shots more dense.
"Mrs. Kennedy? It's Russ in security. Sorry to call at this hour."
Lucas is kept far away from the movies now since selling the company and appointing a new Lucas Film prez. Kathleen Kennedy is in charge of the show now, so things should be fine.
I got $9 opening night tickets at a cheap ass theater in my hometown that hasn't sold out the pre-sales yet.
On that note, the Aodre-era Smashing Pumpkins songs are totally underrated. That might be the band's last hurrah.
Even though Machina-era was one-quarter-good and three-quarters-the-pits and four-quarters-over-produced, there were still quite a few good songs on the Machina II/Friends and Enemies releases. Why "Let Me Give the World to You" or "Slow Dawn" were cast aside in favor of "Heavy Metal Machine" is mind-boggling. (Though…