Hubert O'Hearn

Um, Ethan wrote a 400 page novel overnight, or even in a week? Damn, he's good.

I hate Ethan. I mean I really REALLY hate Ethan. If he had got run over by the damn bus, the next episode could have been a good funeral (and not the stupidest wedding ever) and the series would be a million times better.

BBC screeners? Surely ITV.

Yes to webisodes! I'd love it if there was some random episode in July just to catch us all up on things.

Dear BTL commenters -
Stop worrying about Iris being dead. That's HR using the facial change technology. Jeez, they completely telegraphed that one too! New season, new Harrison Wells.

Great episode, but for the love of sweating Jesus, Linda Carter couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag with a chainsaw!

MIGHT not? I doubt if Orange Mussolini can even spell universal.

Has anyone considered that Jimmy becomes Saul NOT because of something
Jimmy does, but because of something CHUCK does? The McGill name becomes
so shameful in Albuquerque law that Jimmy has to abandon that identity.
Clearly Chuck doesn't win this latest game against his brother as Jimmy
would be almost instantly

A tiny perfect detail. At the restaurant, everyone Jimmy eyeballs are a pair of women. He's a guy who is distracted when he should be focused, and focused (absolutely staring down Gus' courier) when he should be distracted.

High School cheerleading routines have changed over the years. I actually thought, "Uh, is this something I should be watching?" Also, great Neighborhood Watch program! Underage kegger? Meh, who cares?

Can everyone just chill out? I've been reading the BTL comments and so many are in an uproar that Erik expresses an opinion based on two episodes. Did any of you actually, like, read the article? He's expressing an authentic worry, that Gus Fring will alter the balance of BCS to the series' detriment. He's not saying

First Supergirl episode I have deeply, deeply disliked. Soap opera to superhero shows is like Pepe Le Pew to Warner Bros. cartoons - a little goes a long, long way. A plot and dialogue that read like something written on the back of a bar coaster, Mon-El making the biggest, most extreme face turn since the dying days

I hear ya brother, I hear ya.

He passed away in 1982. Yeah, the bit about Heywood going AWOL on his job and vanishing bothered me too. This stuff could have been handled easily - put Eobard back in Apollo 13 and the helpless Wave Rider has to let him bring the ship back to Earth. I love LoT but jeez, sort out this stuff you guys! Even if they did

You're not wrong. I just kept expecting Thawne to tell Ray, "You better put me back on that ship. Don't you think they'll notice I'm missing?" (And oh shit, there's another hole. If Flash powers don't work in space, how was Thawne able to change his appearance? I'll shut up now, as I really do love LoT - wish I wasn't

"Hey, what happened to Rusty?"
"Rusty Swigert. He was here a second ago."

Oh aye, look at all the wee fecks comin' together in a cluster and all, ain't it grand? (St Patrick's Day week) Yeah … this was a mess unfortunately. Jesse leaves in a huff basically. Wait! She's going to guard Earth-3! Wait! There's no one guarding Earth-2! And after all the Arrowverse huff and puff about 'stronger

Finally, it only took 50 years, but there is at last a worthy successor to The Prisoner.

It's probably way too late to fix this now, but how secret can the DEO actually be? "Hey, what's in the skyscraper in the middle of the city? You know, the one with all the people dressed in black carrying weapons?" "I dunno. Dunkin' Donuts HQ maybe?" "They'd carry weapons?" "Can't be letting that sprinkles formula be

Who turns off Casablanca during the final scene!?!?!?