An observation I’ve made in these comments is that almost everyone seems to compare this to ut/q3...It might look familiar, but anyone that’s played those two games for more than 50 hours will come to notice that there are some major differences.
An observation I’ve made in these comments is that almost everyone seems to compare this to ut/q3...It might look familiar, but anyone that’s played those two games for more than 50 hours will come to notice that there are some major differences.
Indeed, at the end, it mostly still comes down to sheer luck at rolling the dice.
Just in time for DH Leipzig. Awesome mod.
FeelsGoodMan I love memes FeelsGoodMan
Move along people, nothing to see here. Just PC dumpstering potatoes as always.
I think 40$ is a lot of money when there are games like tf2 for free or csgo for a lot less.
What we don’t know is whether future heroes will be included and this is Bli$$ard so...yep it’s anything but unlikely.
> And this is why people think we PC gamers are elitist assholes.
Play tf2 you cucks.
AotS. So gooooooood. Immediately read the source material. Loved everything about it.
Slow day at the
This was done way before.
I have witnessed the greatest 10 minutes ever played in football live. My life is complete.
I believe after Kojima’s tweet
Tbf, this “MOBA Wars” mentality hasn’t been a thing for at least 2-3 years now. Every game (dota, lol, hots, etc.) just goes it’s way and the players just don’t care about the games they don’t play.
Best girl master race. #YahalloNation