
I have some doubts about this story-

Here, Here!

More games like Ni No Kuni! I want color and fun in my games! Not brown everything first person shooters.

Hero Quest is real, old, awesome, and out of print. HOWEVER, there exists Descent: Journeys in the Dark, which works off the same conceit and is even more awesome (but contains fewer miniature pieces of furniture). Check it out, if you have a couple friends to play it with. Very awesome.

It's very real, and available on eBay. It's a crap load of fun and there are also the expansion packs.

Isn't this just a picture of Dubai?

Doesn't every team need a batboy?

Does it have to be sci-fi specifically or any genre movie? It's a lot of fun to rewatch The Shining after reading up on all the theories of its symbolism. You can watch it once just for the plot but it's necessary to watch it multiple times to fully appreciate it.

First time I ever read this:

Probably this:

This looks fantastic. Hopefully it will come to other platforms, because I really have no desire to by an Xbox One.

The religion may be dead, but the misconceptions still linger in the popular imagination. One still hears otherwise intelligent people use such phrases as "the next stage in evolution" or "more highly evolved than." Evolution has no teleology, no goals, no "stages." There's also this massive confusion between evolutio

He's maturing into a wonderfully terrifying older man

Yes, rapid burial can only happen in a global flood. No local flood, mudslide, rockslide, earthquake, quicksand, cave-in, or any other lesser disaster could possibly do it.

I have watched Akira twice, and both times I had no idea what was going on.

I expected that Rick and Morty episode to be the reason this entire list was created.

I'll just leave this here.

Still under construction...

I hadn't thought of it but I think it's got a lot to do with who's voice it is. Like say, reading the first chapter of 'Consider Phlebas' in the voice of Summer Glau, then again with Morgan Freeman's voice.

That's very half empty of you.