
If you’re gonna rock this logo:

Ooh, they should offer: The DXL Edition or the Lane Bryant Edition.

Um, that’s the patent drawing I used. You are using a photograph, which is subject to various focal length, thus arguably changing the overhang even more subjectively than the technical drawing.

Ha! Didn’t even register that, I was thinking hood...holder thingie...whatever that’s called.

Not me! You can also just skip the Supra articles.

Agreed. Although I may be even pickier; I haven’t liked a Ferrari since the F360–with the possible exception of the Monza roadsters.

Yeah, it’s a photoshop; the reflection in the window gives it away.

A sidewinder.

Man, if people just look at Ferraris and Lamborghinis from the side, they’ll see how crazy the overhang is. Designers just hide them well.

Well, to be fair, the FD RX-7 set a pretty high bar. It’s one of the top 3 most beautiful sports cars (it’s my #2) to come from Japan. Hard for any car these days to beat the FD RX-7.

And the HD one isn’t? It’s like a bigger, fancier version of this:

Look up “phat scooters”. There are many companies making the same things. And they look more fun, more practical, and less pretentious than HD’s version.

The Sumpster looks like a Santa Monica scooter that you can rent through an app. At $5/min.

This would be amazing even in 2019.

Dammit, Will Frye and your air hose! All that dust in my eyes!

Jason, I normally like your suggestions—as quirky as they are—but you’ve gone too far this time. TOO FAR!


Terrain Management System that includes modes for “trail,” “deep snow and sand,” “slippery” and “sport.” that system will also include modes for “tow/haul,” “eco” and “normal” driving.”

Good enough to be its own brand, but if I had to pick one, it’d be Toyota.

Toyota is supposedly gauging possible customer interest for building more.”