
Man, if UPS trucks looked like that, I’d be waiting outside my house every day.

Can you imagine?

This is like a student project for a computer modeling and rendering class.

Unless it’s consensual. ;)

In my personal experience, when dogs are inside cars, their ability to comprehend “no” ceases.

A hearse:

Thanks, Alanis.

DMV: “Color of your car?”

Engineering the sort of manual that could cope with the torque, but shift like a Miata, would cost lots.”

I’ve never been a big fan of the Z, but now, I’m in love.

It’s never been about the number of stars; it’s always been editor’s choice.

It has 19 cupholders for maximum occupant hydration.”

I thought we’ve come so far, then Toyota does this...

Except for the F1 track, there’s not much “car culture” in the conventional sense, except riding around and seeing lots of expensive cars.

Tough crowd today. In my defense, I suggested a VW Santana cab ride right after my post.

I’d be remiss not to mention a ride in a VW Santana taxi cab. There are fewer now as they transition to new cars, but they can still be found. It’s both scary and exciting* to sit in a 30-year-old car diving in and out of traffic with very thin doors.

Take it from someone who’s lived and worked there for several years: forget the cars. Take their subways for a refreshing look at how clean and on-time subways should be (although skip peak hours if you don’t like crowds); ask a local guide to show you their ride-share bikes; or borrow a Vespa knock-off electric

If only Toyota’s partnership with Mazda could fit that engine into the beautiful can dream!

I’d feel better if everyone who wanted a hardtop version of a convertible went and got a Miata RF instead—and in such massive numbers that Mazda actually puts out a Miata coupe.

Did some say my name?