
Agreed. —SA owner

At night, obviously you are so focused and concentrating on traffic and all the other stuff that you are not totally aware of the gap between the two cars so if you are faster or slower… you are just trying to put some laps together and some clean stints without any mistakes. When I finished my fourth stint and I

Not doubting you, just honestly haven’t seen that kind of rust.

There must be some crazy salt up there. I’m in the New York area, and as a Mazda owner, I look out for Mazdas old and new regularly, and I sincerely don’t see that kind of rust around.

Might be too late:

First, I wouldn’t say the context in the article is lacking. The sixth suicide of a cab driver since November is a fact. You can then divide that number by the number of active (or non-active, if you prefer) NYC cab drivers and number of months and get a number (say, x) that is, to some people, of interest in the conte

Agreed. But I also caution any outright dismissal of the union’s data, because its enemies may also want to undermine that data with their own data.

I always find it a bit ironic that people want a manual in _____ because, you know, “sports/race car”. And then Toyota, BMW, et al. can always fall back on “well, our auto is faster and more track-focused than manuals, manuals”.

Or the Lincoln Combover.

Math without context is bad math.

OP’s stats are misleading, because it’s national.

Context of statistics is also important.

At the very least, get some legit sci-fi movie composer to create some work.

Autopilot—or whatever carmakers want to call them—always reminds me of those scenes in cheesy action movies where the following happens:

This was a dumb idea to begin with. Everyone just wanted to jump on the “autonomous” bandwagon without fully understanding the SYSTEM such an endeavor would require to operate well. That is, WELL-MAINTAINED PUBLIC ROADS.

I just really want to rip off that piece of painter’s tape. 

That’s ALL cream.

Fantastic article and photos! Thanks for that.

XL, XXL, and XXXL?

Makes sense, given CT is usually #1 or #2 in median income.