
tie fighter gang till i die, as a kid who was raised on NES, MS-DOS games that had to be loaded off of a stack of multiple 2.5" floppies that sometimes required a boot disk to run properly and original trilogy star wars movies, tie fighter and wing commander are S-tier games to me.

Also, someday I’d love to get out of the grays....

Luke, every year you make the same claim and every year I want to scream at you: TIE Fighter is superior to Dark Forces in every way. I will argue this until the day I die.

Arguably, we could transition to Universal Basic Income and not starve, freeze or otherwise deprive people of their basic needs and dignity while we figure it out.

Users of the social media platform are bracing for sweeping changes to the platform...

I find the review round more helpful in actually deciding if I should invest in the game than 1 person’s opinion.   I have limited time, and this is the only gaming site I check, so I really appreciate these.  

If we don’t get a code for the game, we can’t review it ahead of time. Simple as that. 

You guys do know not ever game website gets a review copy right? Hell, most companies have a curated list of youtubers and Twitch streamers who they know will give more favorable opinions of their games who theyd rather give review copies to. Also the fact Kotaku is blacklisted for a lot of publishers.

I can’t believe that they cut out the 20 minute sex scene between Black Adam and Superman 

Was absolute floored at this. Watching the videos of the abuse in unfolding was very painful to watch, the text messages, everything just totally abhorrent. Hoping her situation improves from here on out.

I hope that she’s able to get out of this situation safely! 

What this means is that players can enjoy their broken builds while playing solo without worrying about FromSoftware nerfing them to try and make things more fair in online multiplayer

7.5 months - given it’s probably still at least a month or two away AND DLC is worked on prior to a game being released (because what else are modellers etc. doing prior to release) means it’ll be nearly a year minimum between release and the DLC.
How on earth is that reflective of corporate greed or cut content?

From has a track record of consistently producing some of the best DLC/expansions in the industry. Bordlerlands and AC... not so much.

Report: Chess Grandmaster From Anal Bead Conspiracy Accused Of Cheating In Over 100 Games

Ask anyone who watched that 70s show when it was on but maybe not in a long time(and maybe did not make it to the end through the really bad seasons) and they would say that Jackie would have ended up with Kelso or maybe Hyde. I didn’t even remember she hooked up with Fez in the last season. And its not uncommon for

It’s like, acting’s bullshit, right? Like, at the end of the day, it’s all about fucking bullshit.”

Okay, but the difference is nobody at those stores was expected to be keeping an eye on you and the place your parents actually left you at was an arcade, a place that’s explicitly designed for people to hang out at for more than the duration of a shopping trip.

Bat to the knuckles usually works.

Organized sports has decided (or at least pretended to), that being a bad sport will get you punished, no matter how skilled you are.