
I think discontinuing the iPod should be on this list. Some of us still love them.

There are literally entire towns in Alabama that could not, if they pooled all of their extra cash together, rent a studio apartment in NYC.

They’re changing it to One Network American News to help them have a firmer hold on their base.

“People I knowwww. Smart people. The best people. They’re saying, they’re saying really convincingly, I believe them. I believe them. That Moore actually won in Alabama. That’s what they’re saying.

The series is 90% video game already. If the dumbass in charge actually wanted a decent game instead of a half-assed throwaway licensed game, it would practically make itself.

Kids are kind of the X factor in this situation. I have no idea what I did with my time before kids. I can’t even remember what that feels like.

If you don’t have kids you have 10% of his adult qualms.

again I dont have the kids....still find time to game, on a home cinema with large HD screen and sound 

Why do people have children?

I’m gonna be real with you for a moment: the first two years you really are going to want to put the gaming on the backburner unless you have a hugely forgiving wife. Late night feedings mean you’re both going to be sleep-deprived. There will constantly be toys/spit-up/thrown food to clean up. If the kid goes down for

I’d visit the shit out of that world. Tormund Giantsbane replaces the hot bandit, Hector Escaton, for those who want to walk on the wild(ling) side.

We can only hope. Maybe it would have that hundred electric guitar orchestra the first attempt would have had.

We may also finally get a stand alone Silver Surfer movie.

And thus ends the inhumans’ miserable time in the sun.

Those people in the House & Senate? There to do the bidding of registered voters.

He’s got as much chance of that as Joffrey Baratheon did.

I really wish the left would drop that angle. Even if you don’t want to tangle with the fact that the two consenting parties are an intern in her early twenties and the president, Clinton has also been sued for having state troopers escort a low-wage clerical employee to his hotel room, where he exposed himself to her

Yeah. If they want to be super involved in Daddy’s administration and use their Jewishness to “prove” that Daddy isn’t a bigot, frum shame away!

Next to your ps vita, of course.

So am I the only one who finds the motorcycle lame? Okay, just making sure.