
I don’t know if I’m reading the room wrong but it sounds like you want me to send you a dick pic. Continue breathing oxygen and I’ll take that as a ‘Yes’.

The unfortunate answer is that fine-tuning medication or even just finding meds that work, building up to the correct dose can be a process of months, eliminating side-effects is a time-consuming process for many.

I couldn’t get a handle on my brain - including one seizure (thanks Wellbutrin!) - until I started seeing a psychopharmacologist. She’s pricey, but she got my cocktail where it needs to be in less than a year. It’s not ideal if you’re hesitant about having a cocktail rather than taking a single med, but once I

It may take a really long time to find medication that works for you. It really sucks, but it’s kind of the nature of dealing with mental illness. The brain is ridiculously complicated, so unfortunately, finding effective medication is often trial and error, even when you have a really good doctor.


If it weren’t for the fact that the GOP tends to close ranks and essentially take a “hysterical women be lyin’” approach when their own members are confronted with this sort of shit, I’d actually be pretty comfortable with it.

Even when faced with the reality that the GOP will stand behind candidates like Roy Moore, I

Thanks. I loved the cartoon. A cabal. Starting as a bunch of guys trying to transcribe sanskrit while identically encoding ASCII without compatibility problems, and it worked.

Is it wrong to say that I like X over the core series, 100 times out of a 100?

I honestly didn’t see much of an issue with the intersection myself, but I guess traffic laws are complicated when you ridea moose to work

He likes his women like he likes his wine; 14 years old and locked in the basement.

Remember, if you don’t fawn all over a title a particular reader really wants to be good, then you’re biased and incapable of impartial, rational assessment.

I’m with you on being baffled by this evident demand for uniformity across reviews and reviewers. While I definitely make use of Kotaku’s reviews in making

I chose to review it because, as I said in the second paragraph, I was hoping that Takahashi and crew would make something I enjoyed more this time around.

reading this made me more excited for my little girl to be born. expected date is Feb 15 but it’s already too much excitement waiting for her. thank you for writing this!

It’s like they see the meteor coming and think, “that’ll teach the Mexicans.”

Esports aren’t real sports, nerds!

People on this site are DEFINITELY saying those things. Not unanimously, but they are, which you would know if you weren’t just being an asshole whose whole worldview revolves around hating liberals.

Good Morning Kinjaers!

You mean like how Obama grew the economy, created jobs, lowered unemployment and saw minimum wage increases without doing that? Gotchaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Glad you agree that we need to increase the minimum wage.