
I’m waiting for him to just say it. Just say Nigger. Just say Black People. JUST SAY IT! So we can all move on and do what we have to do.

I remember last time someone said we were winning.

The president’s trying to incite a race war and I feel more alienated from my neighbors than I’ve ever been. This doesn’t feel like winning.

I am so excited for this but also really, really curious where they’re gonna go with it. One of my favorite aspects of Red Dead Redemption is how much of a “end of the West” tale it is, complete with the mixed reflection and condemnation that entails. Hoping this one has some kind of larger thematic point to it as

I had lots of lemonade and gained some weight for this role that I’m working off now with a cleanse and late night park jogs.

Of all the adjectives used to describe this album: meditative, sensual, lush, spooky, dark, never cold, “Twin peak-ian,” strange, hair-raising, unhinged, “blissful yet jagged,” skittering, gorgeous, robotic, beautiful, cryptic, bizarre, “St. Vincent-esque,” “hazily fascinating,” immersive, there is not a single hint

Air Becky.

That looks like the kind of gun a showgirl would pull out of her bodice in the Wild West

Guaranteed that’s probably her top porn of choice if you searched her history.

Immunity and half a billion and you are sold I’m sure. He’s not liquid enough for more than a billion to be remotely necessary

meh. I’m gay. I like being fucked in my ass. I’m good without pussy. Sorry that you seem to define self-worth on it though.

Well, yeah, but he’s a guy. I mean, you can’t say “But him emails!” That’d just be dumb!

Pretty much. Reversible charger ports kind of solve the problem anyway.

Or set it down and walk away, assume it’s charging, And later find out it’s on 12% and you’re fucked.

Republicans are just that hell-bent on voting for the “R” next to the name.

Ignaty, I love your reviews but can you just stop with the right-wing stuff about the first one? It’s fucking nonsense. One of the big climaxes of the movie was Colin Firth beating the crap of some proto Trump voters, you don’t have to shriek BUT THEY KILLED OBAMA over and over. It was a dumb fun movie and an equal

Really filthy stuff in Utah = “Ebony cursed daughter of Ham gets into Heaven as not a servant”

Yeah, no. This didn’t happen.

This is one of the reasons why I’m not in charge of such things. But really you should have some unscheduled events planned for in case they were to lose contact with earth while on mars. A code Omega plan.
