
Just curious, how old were you when you realized you political stance had shifted?

Good point. Remember when no one condemned the N-word and it was powerless?

If you are taking the avenue of defending it, then have the balls to say nigger.

Yeah, the real problem is us being offended whenever someone uses an offensive racial slur, not the racist himself.

Guys Melvin’s right.

Haven’t we had enough of “both sides” this year smh

I could chime in with a take, but instead...

Why do I get the disturbing feeling that they didn’t actually have a complete story arc already worked out for this trilogy?

He will. The republic is poisoned by stupid and “you gotta support a war-time president” will be the reason.

She did strangle him with that chain while on his pleasure barge.

“Miami Airport is going to build a seawall and Mexico City Airport is gonna pay for it!”

White America’s criticism of non-white people as violent, savage, and barbaric has always been a textbook case of projection.

Unless the maesters are covering it up.

We don’t need a fucking computer to know who’s white.

I find it hilarious that apparently Ben Affleck royally pissed off Michael Bay by repeatedly asking the director to explain to him why it was easier to train oil rig workers to be astronauts than vice versa.

This Jack Handy Deep Thoughts quotation has nothing to do with the movie, but I just love and want to share it, esp. with you, Goddess, since you are often the author of ironic understatement:

And if adults die and disappear in Derry at six times the national rate with an even higher percentage of kids kids being affected, as Ben (Jeremy Ray Taylor) reports, why is this group of 13-year-olds the only people in town that seem at all concerned by this?

Apparently, he has a novel coming out later this year or early next.

Describing how Twitch can take technical lessons from the porn industry just reaffirms that the porn industry is always, always at the forefront of technology. No exceptions.