
Okay, but do you have a Welsh(?)-accented trollman who follows you everywhere being AMAZING?

Competent? Isn’t this the guy that assigned a minion to book his wife’s trip to Rome?

My kid reacts the same way to watching Michael Jackson moonwalk. Start with that. :)

Yup. It was 100 bucks Canadian for my FF6 cart. That’s a lotta allowances!

What about a dog that habitually tries to eat babies’ poop out of diapers?

Believe it or not the game I really wanted a sequel to was Dungeon of the Endless. That game rules. No PC gamer should ignore it, it’s on sale all the time.

Uhhh is this a physical copy or download code?

Uhhh is this a physical copy or download code?

Do you think the people that Indiegogo’d this waste of life/time/money feel responsible for this?

What happens to one of these when, say, I try and use it on a foot of snow? I live in Montreal.

What happens to one of these when, say, I try and use it on a foot of snow? I live in Montreal.

Ruh-rawr! A most excellent and timely Flop House this weekend!

I heard about a tape where he’s into a very specific kind of showered bonus.

While I don’t disagree that chasing a guilty guy would’ve worked better, I don’t see USM (which is what we call U.S. Marshalls in the Fugi-verse) as a remake. Other than they blew up something huge at the start of the movie to set the putative-fugitive free, the dynamic is very different mostly due to the RDJ

Yes, more of a U.S Marshalls than a Fugitive 2!

Starred for the metaphor alone.

As a dad with young kids I really feel this article, but I have a (the?) next-level problem: I have a ten year old. If I buy a Switch that guy will want to play it and he sure as shit won’t want to share the TV. Or the one save slot in Breath of the Wild.

Vita. That rules.

Intelligence: Super-genius, best memory of all time
Heirarchy: Unique
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

I have been trying different anxiety/depression medications for the past 6 months (4 different medications at a couple of different dosages) and I feel absolutely no different. Does this mean the medicines aren’t working or am I not anxious/depressive? I feel like I am and I match the profiles according to an MD, but

Pretty neat comic on the subject and the cabal that controls Emoji: